Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Jabir ibn `Abdullah

This Companion is one of the early converts to Islam in Madinah. He was present in Makkah at the second meeting of the Prophet and the first group of Muslims of Madinah .He took part in 19 battles in the Prophet's company, and died in Madinah in ca. AH 74 (693 CE) at the age of 94.

Not only did he learn hadiths from the Prophet but also he learned hadiths from many of the Prophet's important Companions, including Abu Bakr, `Umar, and others. He also studied under some of the Tabi`in (first generation after the Prophet), including the famous Umm Kulthum, the daughter of Abu Bakr. He used to teach Hadith regularly in the mosque in Madinah.

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