Wednesday, December 15, 2010

`Abdullah ibn `Amr ibn Al-`Aas

He was an early convert who struggled for the cause of Islam, enjoyed the company of the Prophet for many years, and lived long enough after the death of the Prophet to transmit the hadiths that he had learned from him. Although he lived during the period of the civil war, Ibn `Amr resembled Ibn `Umar in keeping himself aloof from factional strife. He was, however, present at the Battle of Siffin at the insistence of his father, but he took no active part in it. Later, he deeply regretted that he had been present there at all.

His interest in perpetuating the Sunnah of the Prophet was intense. He wrote down all the hadiths he had learned from him, collecting a thousand of them in one work that he called As-Sahifah As-Sadiqah. When he settled in Makkah, students of Hadith flocked to him in droves. But, because he lived for the most part of his life either in Egypt or in At-Ta'if and because he occupied himself more with Prayer than with the teaching of Hadith, the later generations of Muslims received fewer hadiths from him than from Abu Hurairah, `A'ishah, and others.

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