Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Abdullah ibn `Abbas

He was born three years before the Prophet's Hijrah and was thirteen years old at the time of the Prophet's death. He was greatly loved by the Prophet, as is apparent from the hadiths that concern him. He died in AH 68 (687 CE) at the age of 71.

It appears that despite his youth he learned a few hadiths directly from the Prophet. Ibn Hajar refers (quoting Yahya ibn Al-Qattan) to the assertion that Ibn `Abbas related only four to ten hadiths from the Prophet, and adds that this estimate is incorrect because the authentic books of Al-Bukhari and Muslim alone contain more than ten hadiths related by Ibn `Abbas directly from the Prophet.

There is, however, no doubt that the number of hadiths related by Ibn `Abbas directly from the Prophet is very small in comparison with what he related via some Companions. He learned these hadiths through years of hard labor. He remarked, "Whenever I expected to learn any hadith from a Companion, I would go to his door and wait there until he came out and said, 'O cousin of the Prophet, what brings you here? Why did you not send for me?' And I would reply that it was only proper that I go to him. Then I learn the hadith from him."

Ibn `Abbas was held in universal awe for his intellectual powers and capacity for memorization. He was entirely devoted to the study of the Qur'an and the Sunnah, and was loved and respected for his scholarship by all the first four caliphs, as well as his contemporaries. He collected a large body of hadiths, which he wrote down in books. He delivered lectures on them to his disciples. His tafseer (exegesis) of the Qur'an (which was handed down by his student Mujahid) is well known. It has been referred to by numerous later commentators.

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