Wednesday, December 15, 2010


`A'ishah occupies the fourth place among the mukaththiroon. She enjoyed the constant company of the Prophet for about eight years and a half. She died in 57 AH (676 CE) at the age of 65.

`A'ishah was naturally endowed with a retentive memory and a developed critical faculty that enabled her to memorize a large number of ancient Arab poems, for which she was a recognized reference. During her lifetime, she was also esteemed for her expertise in medicine and Islamic law.

Regarding Hadith, not only did she learn a large volume of hadiths from her husband but also she showed critical appreciation of them and corrected many Companions' mistakes in understanding. When, for instance, Ibn `Umar related that the Prophet had said that the dead are punished in their graves on account of the wailing of their relatives, she pointed out that the Prophet had said that while the dead are punished in their graves for their sins, their relatives weep for them.

It was on account of her extensive knowledge of Hadith and Islamic law that even the most important Companions sought her advice on jurisprudential problems. A long list of those who related Hadith on her authority may be found in Ibn Hajar's book Tahtheeb At-Tahtheeb.

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