Saturday, June 11, 2011

Diet Ethics Messenger

Start with Bismillah

From 'She said: Messenger of Allah said, "If anyone of you want to eat, remember Allah (ie:' Bismillah '). If he forgot the name of God in the beginning (first meal), then remember' Bismillahi awwaluhu akhirahu wa ' "(Reported by Abu Dawud and atTirmidzi.)

Use the right hand (left hand is prohibited)

Of Salamah bin Al-Akwa ', ra, a man was eating with his left hand near the Messenger of Allah then he says: "Eat with your right hand." He said: "I can not." He replied, "You can not!? Not stop unless the nature of the arrogant! Can not then lifted his hand to mouth." (Muslim)
From Jabir said, said: "Do you eat with (hands) with your left, surely he ate and drank with (hand) left." (Muslim)

Eat a close.

From Umar bin Abi Salamah said, I'm a slave of Allah's house, and had my hands spread forth into all the dishes (when to eat). The narrator says: "My boy, saying 'Bismillah', eat with your right hand and eat what is convenient to you." (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)

Incentives to three fingers.

Of Ka'b bin Malik, "I saw the Messenger of Allah .. eating with three fingers (thumb, index finger and middle finger)" (Muslim)

Denounced the prohibition of food

From Abu Hurairah said: "Not at all food denounced Messenger. If he liked it, so he ate. If he does not like them, so he does not eat" (Bukhari and Muslim)

Not eating lean

From Abi Juhaifah Wahb bin Abdullah, may Allah said: Rasullah said, "I do not eat while leaning" (HR Bukhari)

Pick foods that fall.

From Jabir ra, Rasulullah saw, "When the fall some (small) one of your meals, take and throw away the affected parts of the dirt and eat it, and do not leave it to the devil, and he never wiped his hands with a cloth so he licked his finger before because he did not know the food, which is part keberakartan "(Muslim)

Start eating from the edge (edge)

From Ibn Abbas, the Prophet said: "Blessing in the middle of the food, then start eating from the edge and do not start eating from the middle" (Reported by Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)

Lick fingers after

Ibn Abbas said, He said, "If anyone of you have finished eating, then do not spread the fingers to lick (first) or lick(by others)" (Bukhari and Muslim)

Prayer after meal

From Abi Umamah ra, "It is finished eating when he's saying, 'Alhamdulillahi katsiran toyyiban mubarakan fih, ghaira makfiyyin muwaddi'in wa la'. Mustaghnan wa la 'anhu rabbana'" (Bukhari)
From Muad bin Anas said: Allah's Messenger, "Whoever is finished eating, and then say, 'Thank God, illazi ath'amani haaza, wa min ghairi razaqanihi minni wa la quwwatin haulin', will be forgiven his sins of the past." (Reported by Tirmidhi)

Encouragement to speak

In al-Adzkar, Imam Nawawi said, "It is advisable to talk while eating. In this connection there is a hadith of Jabir brought as we have described in "Chapter praised the food." Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali in al-Ihya said that including the ethics of eating is to talk about the good things while eating, talking about the story of the righteous people in the food. "(Al-Adzkar the 602 edition, translation, cet. Sinar new Algen Sindo)
According to the innovators and Syaikhul al-Islam Ibn al-Qayyim rh, opinion that the truth is he's talking and talking while eating. In his book alZaad (2 / 397), there are times when he wondered whether the menu on the menu today and praised the (Muslim: 2052), when he's there to teach manners and decent food to their own people (HR alBukhari: 5061) and there when The Prophet always encouraged his guest to add meal and beverages (alBukhari HR 6087). It is not true dining table into a dub of quiet conversation and silence.
Note: Beware of fabricated hadiths associated with eating prophet. Do not believe in the fact that there is no authentic hadith sources.

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